This evening, I tried to record an impulse response using the sine wave approach rather than the transient method I used in the last update. This method of recording space is regarded as a more accurate technique however, you require a convolution engine to de-convolve the signal in post. I bought the waves IR-L plugin as I thought this would do the job. Turns out I invested in the wrong VST and I actually required the waves IR-1. Damn.
In previous attempts I have tried to use Logic's own IR utility however, this also causes me a lot of stress as I can never be able to deconvolve pre-recorded signals. After hours searching online for the answer I decided to give it a rest, as nothing was becoming apparent. For some reason I think my IR utility doesn't work the same as it does on other computers. As I am typing this I am still looking into to how to import two mono signals into IR utility in order for them to be deconvolved into an .SDIR file. So, if anyone is reading this then plz help.. Anyway - this graph on IR utility looked cool.
